• Integer vitae nulla!

    Economic Depression Survival Strategies

    The economic depression survival strategies that follow are all about being prepared. You don't need to become paranoid to realize that times could get tough, nor do you need to become a hard-core gun-toting survivalist to be ready. Some street smarts...

  • Suspendisse neque tellus


    German LCD maker HANNspree recently launched its Lounge TV 70 on International Funkausstellung Berlin 2011, which is announced as both a windows PC and a white board except for ....

  • Curabitur faucibus

    Russian Space Hotel

    Russian Space Hotel makes common people’s dream of living in space come true. Planned to be opened in the year 2016, this hotel ....

Friday, September 23, 2011

New "IPhone 5"

IPhone 5 will set the following actions:
- Tel.
- Compass
- Map
- Includes email, text, and social networks
- My Internet
- A device for games
- Portfolio
- Capable of running all types of applications
- Mac Slim
- Video camera
- Pocket calculator
- Pedometer (sensor)
- Keys of the car
- Card and board the plane

NASA's daily ► ♦ ◄ area of deep rich ► ♦ ◄

Have you ever seen a star chandelier assembly? Even if you've already seen it is likely that you have not seen never as they appear in this picture, it's quite dusty. Probably true to say that it's most famous rally star in the sky, it is possible to see the bright stars of the rich without the use of binoculars, even if we were in the middle of a polluted city is scanned. Despite the long history of exposing a dark site, still dust cloud surrounding the Pleiades star Bancod very clear. Require exposure in this picture about 30 hours and covers the celestial region is estimated at double the size of the moon. Located Chandelier also known Balhqiqat seven and the M45 at a distance of about 400 light-years away from us toward the constellation Taurus ((Taurus. There is a myth common in the new look that is one of the brightest stars had faded in the time of the label assembly so there were only six stars can be seen with the naked eye. However, the number of Pleiades stars can be seen now could be more or less than seven and this is due to the darkness surrounding the sky as well as the severity of sight the observer.

Program would surprising all your friends on Messenger ((Sweetim))

Offer you a very cool program will add a new type of large icons and wonderful shapes.
Great program will install itself in a way the great Messenger, a difference from the rest of spam.

compatible with :

The best hardware sales in Japan for the week past

Each week, the Media Create the order asking for the best hardware sales in Japan. As we saw last week at the top of the PS3 that the issuance of the order and Tales of Xillia, but this week has returned to the 3DS first place in the order and the highest sales, followed by Sony devices each of the PS3 in second place and the PSP in third place. As always, Val Xbox 360 last place the bottom of the PS2.
Device sales week sales of the year total sales
Nintendo 3DS 58.837 1.835.442 1.835.442
PlayStation 3 36.061 953.361 7.040.851
PlayStation Portable 25.129 1.476.705 18.126.917
Wii 15.406 494.331 11.773.966
Nintendo DS 5.181 580.816 32.731.516
PlayStation 2 1.317 57.271 21.753.363
Xbox 360 1.295 80.859 1.501.356

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Virtual Boarding Agents In Paris Airport

France Airport Holograms
Paris Orly airport are now hiring some new types of agents to greet and guide customers to their boarding gates. These agents are not real people, but human shaped plexiglasss ilhouettes with illusions projected on them. They always have smiles on their faces, warmly direct everyone that needs help, while never perform impolitely to people. But not everybody sees these agents loves the idea, so the airport will evaluate the experiment at the end of this year, to decide whether or not to use them instead of electric displays.

France Airport Holograms

Russian Space Hotel

Russian Space Hotel makes common people’s dream of living in space come true. Planned to be opened in the year 2016, this hotel would house seven guests in four cabins and allows guests to view the Earth turning below through large windows. It would quite comfortable to live in such a hotel, as the guests can freely choose their favorite cabins, enjoy different kinds of food and even a bath. Due to all those nice things you may get from the Space Hotel, you’ll need to 
 pay 1 million USD for a 5-day trip.


Fold-up Keyboard for iPad

Logitech’s Fold-Up Keyboard for iPad is a smart portable accessory that looks really cool as well. It attaches to the back of the iPad 2, acting as a protective case and a stand for most of the time while offers a full-sized slide-out Bluetooth keyboard when users push the iPad backward. Once folded up, the keyboard then turns off to conserve battery life. Clever.
Selling Price: $129.99

gScreen 17″Dual Screen Laptop

The king of laptop is here. From gScreen, the SpaceBook is the world’s first dual-screen laptop that features two 17″ full HD displays with a gorgeous resolution of 1920 X 1080 pixels. Even so, the new laptop measures merely 4.54kg, lightweight enough to ensure people an easy transportation. It is planned to be launched to the world in November, but now you can make an order via gScreen with a down payment of $695.00 or $795.00.

iPhone Flask

iPhone? Of course they are, however they’re not real cellphones but iPhone-shaped flasks. Its 
 power switch is actually the flask cap, and it would let out wine when switched on.


Economic Depression Survival Strategies

The economic depression survival strategies that follow are all about being prepared. You don't need to become paranoid to realize that times could get tough, nor do you need to become a hard-core gun-toting survivalist to be ready. Some street smarts and a willingness to do what's needed can help you survive losing your job, home and more. Of course it's better to prevent that from happening in the first place. With that in mind, here are some ways to be prepared for some worst case scenarios as well as the ordinary ups and down of life in interesting times.

Maintain that Income During a Depression
Tough times aren't so tough if you still have your job or other income. Actually, if you make the same money when prices are dropping, things get better for you. Homes cost less, stocks are on sale, and a depression can present many opportunities. To be prepared then, and to be ready to take advantage of the possibilities, find ways to preserve your current income.

Here are some possible options for that goal:
Get a better job in a more secure industry.
Let the boss see that you're a great worker.
Get transferred to parts of the company that probably won't face job cuts.
Reduce costs in your small business as soon as sales start slumping - or before.
Get a second job.
Put in overtime or extra shifts and save the extra money.
Start a low-investment, low-risk business to develop an alternate income source.
Use savings to produce investment income with real estate.
Use savings to produce investment income with dividend-paying stocks.

Economic Depression - Survival Is about Preparation

There is always a chance you'll lose your primary income no matter how secure it seems - something that's true in good times and bad. But in tough times it can take a while to replace that money that's no longer coming in. Preparation in your personal life is therefore crucial. Some possible preparations follow, along with some ideas on what matters most.
It helps tremendously to cut your fixed expenses as much as possible. The first ones to reduce or cut out are things like payments for appliances or rental furniture. Just return them and set aside the payments you would have made until you can pay cash for new or good used items.
Why is this important? Because as soon as you lose your job you can stop trips to the movies or bar, but these recurring expenses are harder to quickly reduce. They can drag you down fast. Get rid of the extra car you don't really need, or the unused boat that costs you for maintenance, insurance and plates for the trailer. In fact, list all of your household expenses and find ways to reduce each one. But start with those that would be the most difficult to reduce quickly when hard times arrive.
If your job happens to be in a particularly insecure industry, like making cars, selling real estate, or brokering mortgage loans, seriously consider a more drastic downsizing of your life. It can make you a lot safer. If, for example, you find a $600-per-month apartment in place of a $1,200 one, you can set aside an additional $9,000 in 15 months to be ready for whatever happens. You'll also have a much easier time paying that rent if you lose your job or your income is reduced. Consider a nice $3,000 used car (they exist of you look) in place of paying $500 per month on a newer one means you can save another $7,500 in 15 months. An added benefit: No repossession risk if your income disappears.
To the extent possible try to develop other sources of income. A side business that makes a few hundred dollars per month and some dividend-paying stocks that generate regular checks can make a big difference. You might lose your job, but it's unlikely you'll lose all three sources of income at the same time.
One more economic depression survival strategy: Make contingency plans for possible scenarios. What level of income can you live on if you lose your job or business, and how? Make a plan and maybe try living on that amount for a week or month to see if your plan is workable. It may be possible to sell some of your things if necessary, but do you know what they'll bring in a fast sale at a pawn broker or rummage sale? Can you find another job quickly if you lose your current one, and do you know where? List possible jobs and who you'll need to contact if and when the time comes. Keep those phone numbers in a safe place.
To sum up these economic depression strategies: Reduce regular expenses, develop other income streams, have plans in place and money in a bank account. If you take those steps you'll be better prepared than most for economic hard times or any other future scenarios.

Brainwave TV Controller

On International Funkausstellung Berlin 2011, Chinese electronics manufacture Haier exhibited a prototype which would change the way we use a remote controller. Its name is the “Brain Wave” (definitely not a final product name) and it seems just like a headset which has two “arms” separately resting on the user’s forehead and earlobe. Once get well prepared, the users would then change channels, adjust volume sand choose movie titles simply via their brainwave.