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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Company to roll out a cheaper laptop for low-income Africa is only 99 dollars

Announced (Chiribal Cherrypal) yesterday
Launched the first notebook PC Netbook price of 99 dollars
Name (Chiribal Africa Cherrypal Africa)
This is a new device category notebook, called the small (Mini Notbok mini notebooks).


And enjoy the device - which does not exceed 1.2 kg weight - technical specifications and capabilities of surfing the Internet, a relatively modest ..

But acceptable compared to the inexpensive price.

The Cherrypal Africa by:

- Processor speed 400MHz 400, and available operating system (Windows CE Windows Ce) or (Linux GMo Linux).
- Were provided with the device LCD screen measuring 7 inches accurately 800 x 480.
- Keyboard QWERT.
- And the memory of 256MB.
- The disk storage-type flash flash up to 2GB.

He holds the device:

- Slots networks are Ethernet,.
- And a slice of the wireless networks Wifi.
- And slots for memory cards SD / MMC ..
- With a Lithium battery lasts 4 hours.
- As well as headphones and microphone.

Can be purchased from the said computer company Cherrypal.com,
Through the open-shop Open Store at the site.


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