• Integer vitae nulla!

    Economic Depression Survival Strategies

    The economic depression survival strategies that follow are all about being prepared. You don't need to become paranoid to realize that times could get tough, nor do you need to become a hard-core gun-toting survivalist to be ready. Some street smarts...

  • Suspendisse neque tellus


    German LCD maker HANNspree recently launched its Lounge TV 70 on International Funkausstellung Berlin 2011, which is announced as both a windows PC and a white board except for ....

  • Curabitur faucibus

    Russian Space Hotel

    Russian Space Hotel makes common people’s dream of living in space come true. Planned to be opened in the year 2016, this hotel ....

Friday, April 30, 2010

U can lock any folder without any softwares

Using the codes given below u can redirect the folder to control panel, internet explorer etc., by
renaming the files by pasting the code for example if u have a folder in d: which is named as
"HELL" then rename it to Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}. thats all
ur folder will redirect to control panel.
Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Internet Explorer.{FBF23B42-E3F0-101B-8488-00AA003E56F8}
Recycle Bin.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
My Computer.{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
My Documents.{ECF03A32-103D-11d2-854D-006008059367}
to unlock the folder
Go to Start>RUN>CMD
If the folder is in d: then go to that drive
then type dir/x then the folder is shown as for example with control panel it shows as
rename this folder to any name using command "ren control~1.{21 myfolder" without quote ok
that it all over..... U can lock and unlock the folder.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Concept of Production

The aim of any economic activity is to produce goods and to provide services. Production is therefore the transformation of the input into the output, by means of different productive processes.

To produce any article or to provide any service depends upon some factors or agents of production, also called factor resources. There are two broad types of factors of production: human factors and non-lie man factors. The human factors consist of lab our and enterprise, and the non-human factors refer to land and capital.

Lab our describes the productive services that is to say the human physical efforts, skills and intellectual abilities.

Enterprise refers to the way in which the structural organization of production is made.

Land denotes the natural resources of the universe, such as: the earth, the sun, lakes, rivers, animals, etc...

Capital consists mainly of finance and other resources, such as factories, means of production, roads, etc.

As far as production is concerned, we distinguish two kinds: direct production and indirect production. The former implies that the worker produces for his own needs, whereas the latter refers to a chain of production processes. This chain can be divided into three major processes:

Primary process deals with the extraction of raw materials, e.g. mining.

Secondary process, in this process, the raw materials are transformed into manufactured goods, e.g. car manufacturing.

Tertiary process, in which the finished article is made available and displayed to the consumer.


Most companies all over the world work hard to promote their goods to sell them. Political parties, cultural and religious associations also use advertising. In newspapers and magazines, -many-pages-are filled with-advertisement. There are also advertisements, usually called commercials, on radio and television.

Advertisements In newspaper and magazines are expensive and only the largest companies can afford them. Small companies such as travel agencies advertise in a few lines only in small ads columns. Shops and business, and individuals waiting to buy or top sell second-hand household goods advertise in local papers.

The wealthiest companies buy advertising time oh television. Some advertisements are like very brief episodes of a story.

Other ways of advertising include displaying large posters along roads or small posters given to people In streets Many companies now advertise on the Internet. All advertisements must be legal, decent and truthful.

Many people are against advertising, partly because it adds-to the cost of product. People also say that the influence of advertising Is too great, and that the children especially want every product they see advertised.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Development is a major question in today's world. Its importance is not limited to Third World, or developing countries. On the contrary, development questions touch even the most developed nations, since all of the countries are becoming more closely connected through commerce and other relations.

It is necessary to define development before discussing it, although it is not an easy idea to define. Most people think of development as industrialization and modernization. However, there is still a great deal of discussion about exactly what development includes and how it can be achieved.

Most development theorists focus on three basic kinds of development. First, development of infrastructure is needed. Infrastructure is the facilities and serves necessary for development to begin. It includes airports, roads, telephone systems and so on. Second, there is agriculture modernization, which includes using fertilizers, machines and modern methods as well as improving the transport and distribution of crops. Third, industrialization is seen, as the way to meet the need for manufactured goods, whether these goods are needed in the country itself or produced for export to other countries. It also provides employment.

It is obvious that development includes all of this, but it cannot stop there. The world does not need development for its own sake; it needs development in order to improve the lives of people, the most important part of any country. Therefore, it is my belief, a belief which is shared by many of the more modern development theorists, that human development has to come first. Building factories that make only a few people rich or that produce wasteful products that only the rich people can buy, or that destroy the environment by polluting the air and water is not true development as I see it. True development puts human factors, health care, housing, water supply, diet and so on, before all else.

For me, then a developed country is not one with the most factories, cars or television sets, but one where all people can have good basic medical care and education, a decent place to live and food to eat.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How do you sleep quickly and without any trouble?

How do you sleep quickly and without any trouble?
The large number of people go to sleep, but many are turning nearly hour or two hours or more and feel great insomnia.
In this oldest of these practical steps that help you to sleep in about ten minutes, but you need the accuracy and certainty in the application of these steps by
The first step:
It lies in the way in which the proper application of (breathing), which is exhale.

The human inhalation, and took the air and then get it out and breathing Obati is effective where it should fill your belly with air and then graduating from the mouth if you extinguish the candle in front of you and try to repeat this process from 20 to 30 and you'll see something strange in your brain. The feeling is natural and this sense of not only perceives others.
Step Two: 
 Relaxation. One that makes your body relaxed muscles and try to hear the sound of normal breathing in your chest
And you can wake up without an alarm: -
Wake up in the time set by the ((if someone addressed that same time the third and a half at night if God wills will be because it addressed the subconscious mind (sub), which will serve as a stimulant and can select any time to get up .. mind subcontractors who will be in charge you just to tell him that .

Curious Pictures

** Strangest things ..... where image is in fact the words **
A very strange picture before you will never see it in the Arctic Ocean Sunset Picture ** 
 **And appearance of the moon and is at the closest point to Earth  

** Strangest image in a photo gallery in Beijing - China 
 Image of the Mona Lisa wrought from dozens of pieces of computer **

** Strangest car** 

** Stranger candle ... but the only problem it is working on electricity Hahahahahahahahah **

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The story was set in airport

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Photos from a special type: cute, strange, weird

Of sitting on it?

Who reside in it?
Cough did not leave her forever.

 (What are you doing online?)

Another model of military technology

No comment

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Energy and Environment

Environment: are the elements of living and non-living all that are found on the Earth's surface and above and below, enjoy fresh air and its various components and energy sources, rivers, lakes, oceans, soil and living from humans and animals and plants, all these elements together are the components of the environment.

Energy: is the mean temperature, light and electricity and the ability to accomplish useful work, and you need to all sectors of society, and every movement by the human need to consume a type of energy, can be defined power as the ability completion of a significant impact (work) and the energy can not cease to exist or develop, but it also turns from one form to another, such as conversion of wind energy into electrical energy, mechanical, or convert chemical energy into heat, or convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy (pumping stations) or convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and electricity (hydroelectric plants)
mperature, light and electricity and the ability to accompli
Global environmental problems:
  1 - global warming

Global warming (Green house), a phenomenon which manufactured greenhouse gases as it allows for solar access to the Earth's surface and absorb thermal radiation of the Earth's surface, so that these rays remain trapped in the earth's atmosphere, thereby causing further warming.


Greenhouse gas Green house Gases:

Of the most important of these gases CO2 gas which is the most impact, followed by other gases, the most important (methane and nitrous oxide, and chlorine compounds, and ozone)

 Effects of global warming:

- The high temperature of the Earth
- Rising sea levels and ocean
- Low rainfall: the expectation of higher temperature of the earth to lead to low rates of rainfall, especially in arid and semi-dry and accompanied by a decrease inventory of surface water and groundwater is not due to low rainfall only, but because of increased evaporation, and the impact on water requirements for agriculture and industry and drinking water, water quality will also become more salty.
2 - Ozone depletion (Ozone Depletion)
Ozone is a fundamental article of life on Earth, because it absorbs a great deal of ultraviolet radiation from the sun and thus represent the Ozone Layer (Ozone sphere) shield protects the organisms that live on the surface of the Earth from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

3 - acid rain (Acid rain):

Acid rain (Acid rain) is the main cause of acid rain are power plants, oil refineries and large industries that release large amounts of pollutants, primarily sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides.
Harmful effects of acid rain on the environment:
- To reduce the yield of plants and deforestation and the reduction of growth.
- Limit the proliferation of marine life and fish.
- Disappearance of a food item from the soil and aquatic ecosystems.
- Reduction of the activities of micro-organisms.
- Acid rain affecting the quality of drinking water.

4- Desertification (Desertification):

Is the degradation of land (soil and water at the local level and the land surface and vegetation  including crop) in the arid and semi-arid and sub-humid areas resulting from climatic changes and human activities and the irrational aspects of desertification, such as:

- Topsoil erosion, the encroachment of sand and vegetation degradation and salinization of soil and dust in the air. Of international conventions dealing with the environment - the Kyoto Protocol.

- Kyoto Protocol (in English: Kyoto) This agreement represents a move executive of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), an international environmental treaty out of the light at the United Nations Conference on environment and Development (UNCED), known as the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, in 1992. The objective of this Treaty to achieve "stabilization of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents the change in the climate system .

Global warming

Global warming is the phenomenon of high temperature in the environment as a result of a change in the flow of thermal energy from the environment and to them. Often called this name on the phenomenon of global warming than normal. Has increased the global average air temperature at the surface of the earth b 0.74 ± 0.18 ° C per cent during the year ended 2005.

According to the International Committee on Climate Change IPCC, "the most significant increase in the rate of global temperature since the mid-twentieth century, seems largely a result of increased greenhouse gases emitted by the activities of humans.

Despite this fact, but scientists argue that air pollution may have been a contributing factor in the fight against global warming, by encouraging plants to consume more gas than carbon dioxide.

And new scientific research indicates that, since the sixties, increases in pollutants in the ground to raise the level of plant productivity in general, and in some cases, to about 25%.
The research, published in the journal "Nature" scientific, that, according to these estimates, this means that the ground soil has absorbed about 10% of carbon dioxide.
It is said that there was a presumption that the common plants grow better in a sunny atmosphere is clean, but the scientists say that this assumption is not always correct.
The research showed that forest and agricultural crops can grow and thrive in different conditions Kalegwae cloudy, and the presence of particle pollutants in the atmosphere, and the lack of emergence of the sun, which is paid to increase tawarruq, it also can stimulate the process of photosynthesis, a process that converts the plant light and carbon dioxide into food to him.

The scientists analyzed the impact of the atmosphere and the sky a few lighting Alambldp on the plant, which resulted from contamination of the atmosphere in the world since the sixties.

The scientists concluded from their accounts during that so-called phenomenon of "the darkness of the earth", a phenomenon blamed for global plant productivity by up to 25% at times since the sixties and even in 1999.

Said Dr. Lina Mercado, from Britain's Centre for Environmental and Water Systems, and president of the research team, that this phenomenon caused an increase in the proportion of carbon, which then looked to the ground of 10%.

The study also noted a number of complexities of the human trying to address the problem of global warming.

human walking in circles when they strayed

Study: human walking in circles when they strayed

Rely on intuition to determine the direction of Aicod often the goal, but stalling in a closed circuit

A study by scientists Germans that when a person loses the ability to determine the direction in the desert or the darkness of the night walking in circles without the feel that he is wallowing in the same place, and one of the exotic interpretations that one leg longer than the other.

It is the mirror image of what happens in old movies when Aberr people in the jungle or in the desert and find themselves walking in circles. It does not matter how difficult it is trying to walk in a straight line in search of construction, they always end up to the starting point from which they departed. Has now given a team of German scientists first practical guide that people are already walking in circles when you do not have reliable signs of the trends of moving. And examined their study, recently reported in the Journal of modern biology, "Journal Current Biology," tracks the conduct of people who walked for several hours in the Saharan Tunisia and in the forest Pinvald Germany.

Different interpretations
Study did not address the ability of animals, especially camels, select track in the desert, but it seems they are more able than rights and scientists used the Group of perceptual MS and work at the Institute of the Max Planck Institute in Tübingen Germany under the chairmanship of Dr. Jean Suman Dr. Mark Ernst GPS for recording tracks . The results showed that the participants were able only to maintain a straight path when there was the light of the sun or the moon.

However, once blocked the sun behind the clouds, people started walking in circles witnessed little without it. Speaking about the study, said Dr. Suman: "One of the explanations provided in the past to walk in circles is that most people have a leg longer or stronger than the other, resulting in a systematic bias to go in one direction.

The German expert said: "In order to test this interpretation we bring people to walk in the direction of direct and they were blindfolded and then remove any effects of vision.

And walked most of the participants in the study circles, and sometimes in very small circles, a diameter less than 20 meters. "Often end up with the lack of these departments to the systematic trend, as the same person sometimes skewed towards the left and sometimes to the right.

And therefore could not walk in circles due to differences in leg length or strength, but the most likely outcome is the growing doubts about  the straight path that they are on. Suman says this: "There is a small random errors in the sense of the different signals that provide information on the direction of Sir added over time and make the person realize that the straight path deviates from the straight line."

As Dr. Ernst Afeelq part on the results of those tests, saying: "Although people may be convinced that they are walking in a straight line, the perception can not rely on this conviction, always." He adds: "There are more aware of the strategies are indeed necessary to go in a straight line.

Company to roll out a cheaper laptop for low-income Africa is only 99 dollars

Announced (Chiribal Cherrypal) yesterday
Launched the first notebook PC Netbook price of 99 dollars
Name (Chiribal Africa Cherrypal Africa)
This is a new device category notebook, called the small (Mini Notbok mini notebooks).


And enjoy the device - which does not exceed 1.2 kg weight - technical specifications and capabilities of surfing the Internet, a relatively modest ..

But acceptable compared to the inexpensive price.

The Cherrypal Africa by:

- Processor speed 400MHz 400, and available operating system (Windows CE Windows Ce) or (Linux GMo Linux).
- Were provided with the device LCD screen measuring 7 inches accurately 800 x 480.
- Keyboard QWERT.
- And the memory of 256MB.
- The disk storage-type flash flash up to 2GB.

He holds the device:

- Slots networks are Ethernet,.
- And a slice of the wireless networks Wifi.
- And slots for memory cards SD / MMC ..
- With a Lithium battery lasts 4 hours.
- As well as headphones and microphone.

Can be purchased from the said computer company Cherrypal.com,
Through the open-shop Open Store at the site.

why the water no burn ..??

Really .. Are we asked ourselves why not burn the water of which is composed of two major articles, one of two midwives for ignition:
Hydrogen is highly flammable and is used in meat and smelting operations? !
The second is the oxygen: that is the fuel for the fire are not only its existence? !!
What is the reason? ....
Said that the above elements have already burned the merger process between them and became a high-density and this is why ..
And is said to be: When was the combination of hydrogen and oxygen chemically, they lose
 the Property which they are h2 and o2 Thus, they evolve into other material does not burn but also help in the process of extinguishing fires